How Far We’ve Come

Our First Overnight

Our First Overnight

We’re getting ready to fly down to Georgia this afternoon to begin the hike that we’ve been planning for about a year now, and been thinking about for almost the last 5 years. Since we’ll be leaving the laptop back at home with Casey’s brother, I was going through some old pictures and came across a few from our very first backpacking trip, which was 2 nights, back in the fall of 2011 (I think it was 2011 anyway) in the Catskills of New York. Seeing the pictures have made me realize how far we’ve come in our hiking hobby. Take a look at this next picture:

Is that a daypack?

That’s Casey with a daypack, and an old army sleeping bag tied to the bottom of it. The whole setup probably weighed about 35 pounds with a full nalgene of water. Also notice the jeans, which as we now know are NOT ideal backpacking pants, as they tend to stay wet once they get wet, and are quite heavy. Or take a look at me:

Lookin' Good

Yes, those are mesh workout shorts, and a cotton long sleeve top. Again… poor choice with the cotton shirt, as it doesn’t dry very quickly, and really isn’t very warm. At least I had a proper pack, and in fact that’s the pack that’s coming with me on this Appalachian Trail trek. Hopefully it’ll hold up for the 2200 miles that I’m about to put it through!

Just a quick post today, as we are getting ready to head to the airport. I thought it would be fun to post some pictures from our very first backpacking trip where we caught the bug. Who would’ve thought we’d be on our way to attempt the AT only 5 years later!?

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