One week

Jobs are done,  apartment has been moved out of, and we’re officially on the road.  After a bit of a health issue,  we’ll be starting about a week later than planned,  but this is part of the adventure. The major bonus is that we got to see a few more people than we would have if we had left a week ago,  so we’re certainly thankful for that. It was nice to spend the Easter weekend among family and friends.

The last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind, and just today is the first time both of us have felt the reality of the upcoming hike. We’ve been driving up to Maine over the last few days,  visiting various people along the way. It’s been fun,  and a bit eye opening chatting with people about our adventure. I don’t know why,  but I had some feelings that people might view this hike as a selfish thing to do… just picking up and leaving,  and just walking for about 6 months. As it turns out this was really just classic being too hard on myself.  The majority of comments we’ve received are along the lines of “that is so awesome,  good for you guys! ” or, “what a great adventure,  definitely do it now. ” And we even get the fairly regular “I’m very jealous,  that’s something I always wanted to do. ” Through having these conversations with friends, family,  and co-workers, we’ve gotten the chance to remember why we wanted to do this hike in the first place, and we’ve been reminded of just how much support we have out there.

So in just a few days we’ll be flying one way from Maine to Georgia, which will take about 6 hours,  then we’ll turn around and walk back to Maine,  which will take almost 6 months.  We’re excited to get out there,  and very excited that we’re going to get to share the experience with anyone who’s following us along through this blog.

Our next post should be from Georgia.

4 thoughts on “One week”

  1. The first word the comes to mind is “envious”. Many of your followers will be living vicariously through you guys…looking forward to “our” adventure!

  2. Your enthusiasm is overwhelming. We are so happy for you both now that the adventure is finally beginning. A few “hitches in the get-a-long” makes it all the sweeter. We love you both dearly. Be happy, be safe. Love, “The Management” (a.k.a Dad/Larry and Peggy)

  3. We are very excited for you both….you will be in our thoughts throughout your journey…stay safe! We love you and enjoy!

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