Day 13: 4/15/16

So, my phone accidentally deleted my day 13 post, so this one is a re-write.

It was another cold night which led into another beautiful hiking day. We headed out a bit earlier than the rest of the group we were camping with.

There’s really not much to say about the trail today. Just a bunch more up and down, but we did get to finish off the day with another fire tower with a full 360° view. We even had a prefect view of the Smokies, where we should be in just under a week.


I think the highlight of the day was the afternoon/ evening in camp. We pretty much had the same group as last night, except for the two Canadian girls Croc and Wet Tent. We should catch up with them tomorrow at the Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC).

Anyway, it’s amazing how quickly a group of people can become comfortable with one another. We all spent the evening laughing around the fire, telling stories and jokes like old friends. This is a fun group to hang around with, and I’m looking forward to the short day tomorrow.


2 thoughts on “Day 13: 4/15/16”

  1. Alex, your still smiling at each other that’s a good thing. I’m tracking you keep up the positive attitude. In some ways I’m really envious. – John

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