Day 19: 4/21/16

Today was a longer day… 13.8 miles to be exact. We’re at AT mile number 196.5, meaning less than 2000 miles to go. It’s crazy to think that we’re already almost 200 miles into this journey. I know 2000 is still a lot of miles, it’s just that the days seem to be getting quicker. It’s amazing how fast something can become routine… even something as physically demanding as backpacking every day.

After almost 3 weeks out here, we’ve got a daily routine… wake up, answer “nature’s call”, pack up tent/ sleeping stuff, retrieve bear bag, eat , final pack up and hike. We’ll usually do one long stop for lunch, and, depending on the day, one or two snack stops. When we reach camp it’s always set up tent/ sleeping stuff, harvest and filter water,  cook dinner, brush teeth, hang bear bag, then relax until bed.

So… first shelter experience was just fine. If there were any mice, they didn’t bother us at all. We were a bit warm to start with, but the wind picked up, and made it comfortable to be in the sleeping bags. We’re actually in a shelter again tonight. The best part is, it’s supposed to rain tonight, so that means I don’t have to pack up a wet tent or tarp.

We’re at a shelter only 3 miles from Clingmans Dome, which we’ll climb in the morning. Unfortunately it’s supposed to be a rainy, stormy day tomorrow. We’re debating trying to get a ride from Clingmans in the morning, or just hiking the full 10.8 miles down to Newfound Gap and getting a ride from there. Either way, we’re spending tomorrow night in a hotel in Gatlinburg, TN. I’m just trying to plan out the rest of our week so we can reach Hot Springs by Friday the 29th.

My next post should be from Gatlinburg, and hopefully I can figure out the pictures, as I do have some good ones from the last week.

2 thoughts on “Day 19: 4/21/16”

  1. We visited Gatlinburg back in 1978 ! have some Christmas tree ornaments we bought there. We were on our way to El Paso.

  2. I am following you all on the interactive AT map. I have enjoyed seeing your progress (impressive) and hearing about your experiences (very interesting). However, I ask that you include the names of the shelters in which you stay. This would make it easier for the Old Man to locate you each night. It’s a Forester’s son/father thing. Take care and keep trucking!
    The Old Man ( Laush)

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