Day 22: 4/24/16

I’m going to keep today’s post short and sweet, as today was all about the views.

We got lucky this morning and were able to fit in on the NOC shuttle back up to Newfound Gap at 10am. A tip to future thru-hikers… sign up for the shuttle the day before. We were on the trail by 10:45 am.

We ended up doing a much longer day than originally planned… 15.6 miles. We’re at the Tri-Corner Knob shelter tonight. It’s a full house in here, but we got lucky and nabbed a few spots. I’m not really sure where one would set up a tent near this shelter.

Anyway, it was a good day back on the trail from our zero in Gatlinburg. It was a very pretty ridge walk for most of the day… so enjoy the gallery below!

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