Day 24: 4/26/16

Today was another good day. Since we’ve been making such good time the last two days, we kept today short… a mere 6.9 miles. It was mostly uphill, but it was still a great day.

We didn’t get going until about 10am, since we had planned a short day. We had a leisurely breakfast, and enjoyed a bit more relaxation at the Standing Bear farm before we took off. Our total bill for the one night stay in the bunkhouse, including our multiple visits to the resupply shack, was $49. Not too shabby. And they take cards so we could save our little bit of cash!

The climb this morning was steep and long, and even though we’re only a few miles north of the smokies, the forest felt completely different. I don’t know of it’s just the elevation difference or what, but it just felt different.

After a little over two hours of hiking uphill, right around 12:15 or so, we reached the top of Snowbird Mountain… which is an open grassy bald with an FAA beacon on top. As we approached, we saw a group of people hanging out, and a table… it was trail magic. And it was awesome trail magic… they had soda, apples, bananas, little Debbie snacks, guacamole and chips, hot dogs, and, best of all, beer. And not just light beer… no… they brought up cans of local craft beer. We couldn’t have picked a better day to do just a few miles. Since we only had about 3 miles to go from the top, we hung out with the trail angels for a while.


The trail magic was put on by both Keen foot ware and Diamond Brand outfitters out of Asheville. There was also a thru-hiker from the class of 2014, Tye Dye Bandit. I’m going to make sure I visit the outfitter when we’re visiting Asheville. We had a great time relaxing up on the mountain, chatting with everyone. So thanks very much Keen and Diamond Brand!

I (and a few other hikers) took a few beers to go, which went very nicely with our dinner preparations. We’re at the Groundhog Creek shelter area tonight. This is actually our first night back in the tent since the first night in the Smokies. This shelter is not nearly as nice as the ones in the park.


There’s a chance of rain over the next few days, which is really a good thing. There are some fires north of Hot Springs that have closed off a section of the trail. It needs to rain to help out the firefighters. We’re hoping that the section will be re opened by the time we come back to the trail next week. It turns out our little break will be good timing.

3 thoughts on “Day 24: 4/26/16”

  1. There’s been some raging fires burning in the Shenandoah Mountains the last couple weeks here in VA. Last heard 10,000 acres had burned. The fire is about 75% contained. Unfortunately, a 12 mi section of the AT is closed off. Hopefully it’ll reopen by the time you guys get up here. If not, contact me and I’ll shuttle you around the detour. Good luck!

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