Day 44: 5/23/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 51)

The day started early with a pony. Walked over one more bald then through the “scales” where long horn cattle were grazing all around, which we thought were ponies until we got up close.

Arrived down to the main road and hit two trail magic stops. One from a hiker named Evil who gave us McDonald’s biscuit sandwiches and coffee. The second was Scratch and Squirrel. Scratch started this year with his daughter but got air lifted out due to a broken ankle and is now just leap frogging his daughter and providing trail magic along the way. Squirrel also started a thru-hike but has sprained his ankle a bunch of times and is now helping out with the trail magic.

We went far today, but not by choice. 27.8 miles total, about 1 mile short of Partnership Shelter. While there had been lots of water all day, there was no water at the campsite we planned on stopping at, so we had to keep going. We finally found some water after we came down off the ridge, almost 5 miles farther than we had planned. At least we’ve shortened our day for tomorrow.

*2020 Virtual AT Note*

I must have been extremely tired when I wrote this post based on the way it’s written. I remember this day pretty well. It started off good enough… but not being able to find water at the end of the day was annoying.