Day 62: 6/10/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 69)

This morning was dominated by a long,  long climb up Bald Knob. We were the first ones out of camp this morning, right around 7am. We were already getting motivated by the promise of beers on Saturday… we knew we had to put in some good miles today.

We got a little bit of trail magic today. Right after we crossed US route 60, early in our day, an SUV pulled into the parking area at the trail head. A woman pops out of the passenger side window  and offers us a little tray of blackberries. Of course we graciously accepted, and they added an extra special touch to our lunch later in the day.

There’s really not much else that went on today. We crossed a few open fields at the top of the ridge, we had a few nice views including a little scramble up Spy Rock, I came face to face with a young buck who barely had his velvety antlers just starting to grow, and the weather was just perfect all day. We did a bit over 22 miles today, and we’re tenting just above the Priest shelter.

I’m going to cut this entry short because I need to get to sleep. We’re getting up early to hike the 15.5 miles to Reids Gap and get down to the brewery as quickly as we can.