Day 65: 6/13/16 (Virtual AT Day 72)

Today was a typical zero day, so this’ll be a pretty short post. I also didn’t take any pictures, so it’ll just be words.

As I said, typical zero, began with breakfast at the hotel, followed by laundry and a dollar store visit. We had lunch at the thru-hiker famous Mings Garden Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet, and completely filled ourselves up for under 8 bucks each. Then we hit the grocery store for the rest of our resupply, then headed back to the room and just napped. I also posted a few days of posts as you all already saw. We only left the room once more to get some ice cream down the street.

Since we knew we didn’t want to double- zero again, we really tried to take it easy and relax. We’ve got a ride all set up for tomorrow to take us back to Rockfish Gap at 8 am. It’ll feel good to get started on Shenandoah. 

2 thoughts on “Day 65: 6/13/16 (Virtual AT Day 72)”

  1. Sorry I missed you. I live so close to Waynesboro. But I am now in Fort Collins looking at the Rockies:) Loving your journey!!!
    Be safe out there.
    Debbie..your aunt!

  2. Alex,

    Debra told me about your adventure this week, so I am late to the party and have a lot of reading to do to catch up. I am very jealous! We are avid backpackers as well, so I can relate to some of what you are going through. Being out that long must be incredibly fun, challenging and will be one of the best memories of your lives.

    I live in Portland, Or. and I see that you spent a little time hiking on Mt. Hood. It is an incredible place and I get to look at it off in the distance every day. If you ever get to Portland, let me know. I can offer you a room for as long as you like and we can do some beervana adventures in the area.

    We did a 5 day backpack in the Escalante Grand National Staircase (southern Utah) in May. It was incredible.We also did it 10 years ago, and Ben was with us on that one. If you are interested, I have posted some pictures on my facebook page.

    I am looking forward to following your adventure of a lifetime. Good Luck, stay safe, and have a wonderful time.

    Ray Deininger

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