Day 81: 6/29/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 88)

We stayed up late last night, enjoying a few beverages, and conversing with fellow hikers. It was really nice to just hang out with people and talk for a bit. In any case, we ended up going to sleep quite late, and thus slept in for a bit.

We fully intended on doing a shorter day today, but after a bit of texting with a college buddy who lives in PA, we set on a meeting spot for tomorrow, which meant we really couldn’t slack too much. We hit up the Subway and the truck stop one more time on the way out of Duncannon, crossed the Susquehanna river, and we were back in the woods by 11.

For me personally, today was just sort of a blah day… I never felt “on”. The weather was great, and the trail really wasn’t too terrible, and there were even some really nice views, but for some reason I just wasn’t feeling it. I think just the long day yesterday followed by a late night put me off my game a bit. Bear Bell led us for pretty much the whole day, and at one point got pretty far ahead. The one saving grace for me today was the ripe black raspberries that were all along the trail today. We stopped more then once to indulge.

We’re tented up on a ridge tonight, nowhere near a shelter, with lots of nice pines around. We finished up with about 20 miles under our berks belts today. I was able to contact my buddy from up here, so we get to do a shorter day than originally planned for tomorrow, plus we get to visit another brewery that I hadn’t planned on. Tomorrow should be a good day.