Day 101: 7/19/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 108)

We left early from John and Rita’s this morning. Bear Bell’s mom dropped us back off where she had met us yesterday, just outside of Bulls Bridge, CT. The trail started with a big climb. It was a very nice day, much lower humidity, warm and sunny. It was pretty much perfect hiking weather. 

We were lucky to have such a nice day, because the few very steep, rocky descents would’ve been really dangerous if they were wet. Even dry we had to take them slow. Who knew that Connecticut would have such precarious trails. 

There was one nice long flat section along Housatonic river, followed finally by a steep climb and another steep rocky descent. We walked down to Cornwall Bridge, CT and stopped into package store. This is a must stop for all thru-hikers. They give thru-hikers a free beer for signing their log book. 

My parents and little niece were waiting for us when we arrived. We got a ride over to my brother’s house for the night. We’ll be heading to Cape Cod in the morning to meet the rest of my family for the next few days. I’ll probably only have a single short post for the two zero days that we’ll be taking for the funeral. We’ll be back on the trail by Friday evening.