Day 102-103: 7/20-21/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Days 109-110)

We had a nice Trip to Cape cod for my grandmother’s funeral. While is was not the happiest reason to leave the trail for a few days, it was nice to spend time with family. I don’t think we would’ve seen most of those family members during our hike this year, so that was great. 

All of the services for my grandmother were nice. The wake on Wednesday could’ve been a very somber affair, but the two great-grandchildren, both just over 2 years old, we’re in attendance and helped lighten the mood. There were also a bunch of artifacts from my grandmother’s life around the funeral home. I enjoyed learning a bit more about her earlier life, especially how into sports she was, and the fact that she was in the Corps of Nurses during WWII.

All in all, the best park of the few days really was just seeing family members that I don’t get to see too often. We sat around and told stories and recounted memories of my grandmother. My personal favorite is of all the poker games that my grandparents played with all the cousins every summer when we were all younger. Or the story that my grandmother always used to tell about my brother and me; she had to chastise us for doing something bad I’m sure, and my brother said to her, “Gwammy, you huwt my feewings.” She replied, “I’ll hurt more than your feelings.” Apparently I was taken aback by that statement from my grandmother, being so young I didn’t understand sarcasm, so I guess I said something like,  “Grammy, you can’t do that.” She was not a violent person, I just remember her always telling that story of my brother and I. I’m glad we’ve all got some happy memories to carry with us.