Day 104: 7/22/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 111)

It’s been an emotional and fast few days this week, but this evening we were back out on the trail; back to our home. Immediately when we entered the woods after my parents dropped us off, we were welcomed back by a group of 4 thru-hikers relaxing by the stream. We’re back to our trail family, and it feels good to get back to physical stress rather than the emotional stress of the last few days. 

We got on the trail around 5pm just outside of Cornwall Bridge, CT. My parents were kind enough to take a long detour back home to drop us back off where they picked us up just 3 days ago. They were also kind enough to bring us out to a big early dinner in Torrington, CT so we wouldn’t have to cook when we got to camp. We made use of the time and got 6 miles under our belts. 

The trail tonight was more of what we were experiencing in Connecticut, a series of steep climbs then descents. It was very hot when we got dropped off too, about 90 degrees. That made the climbs even tougher. Even now as we’re laying in our tent, it’s still easily in the 80s. The bugs are bad now too. As the sun got low in the sky near the end of our hike we started getting swarmed. The campsite is completely overrun with mosquitoes. They’re so bad that we can hear a constant buzz just outside the tent. Thank goodness for the tent. We’re able to pull back our rainfly so we can be open to the air, but still have the bug netting protecting us.