Day 109: 7/27/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 116)

We were up very early today, despite getting in after dark last night. It was a pretty quick hike down into Cheshire, MA, where we stopped at Dunkin Doughnuts for some coffee and doughnuts. 

Our next task was to climb Mt. Greylock, the highest peak in Massachusetts. There were some pretty steep sections,  but overall it was a nice hike. We lucked out and got a beautiful day for the climb, and we were rewarded on top with great views down towards Adams, MA. Unfortunately the tower on top was being renovated, so we couldn’t go up, but the views were still nice nonetheless. We enjoyed our early lunch up top, checked out the lodge, refilled our water, then headed down the other side of the mountain.

When we reached the other side of Greylock in North Adams, one of my former coworkers, John, came to pick us up. We had a great time with John and his wife Chris. They put us up for the night, let us shower, and do laundry. Chris cooked and awesome meal of chicken parm with pasta, salad, and bread… a hikers dream meal, and it tasted so good. We hadn’t had a home cooked meal since we stayed with Bear Bell’s grandmother back in PA. To top off the evening,  John and Chris took is out to trivia at the local Polish National Association (PNA) club. That was a fun time, and we even surprisingly came in second place, helped along by my correct guess that remiges had to do with birds’ feathers.

It was a great day of hiking capped off with a nice night of homey comforts and catching up with one of my mentors. Thanks very much to John and Chris for taking us in for a night!