Day 111: 7/29/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 118)

Today we slack packed up Glastonbury mountain. Our friend Sam dropped us off at 8:30am, and we began the long climb up. The weather was strange all day with rain, sun, clouds, and heat. Befire reachung the top of the mountain we stopped by a very nuce shelter, Goddard Shelter. There was fire tower on top, whuch afforded us some nice views above the tees that cover the peak. There were some clouds rolling through, but we were able to see over to Stratton, and south the Greylock. 

In all we hiked about 23 miles. Sam cane and picked us up at the trailhead below Stratton mountain. We finushed the day in Bennington, visiting Madison Brewery. Our friend Michelle met us there, for dinner. The beers were pretty good, especially the Downtown IPA. The food, however, was excellent. We started off with a plate of nachos, covered in cheese, beans, and jalapeƱos. 

It was a good day of hiking, and we got some good miles in. Tomorrow Michelle will join us on the climb up Stratton for another day of slack packing.