Day 113: 7/31/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 120)

We stayed up a bit late last night, so we didn’t get up until about 11am. When we finally got moving, the rain that had started last night was still falling. With that rain, and the general feeling of tiredness, we decided to make the day a zero day. 

We had lunch with Michelle, then went and got some maple creemees and cider doughnuts  (we are in Vermont after all). Michelle drove us back up to Manchester Center, where we grabbed a four pack of beer and a couple sandwiches. We checked into the Econolodge, and spent the rest of the day relaxing. 

So yes, this is a short post, but nothing really happened today. We were in need of a break, so we took the day. The weather just helped solidify our decision as a good one. We’ll be back out on the trail bright and early, and hopefully it’ll be a bit drier. 

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