Day 87: 7/5/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 94)

It rained all night last night from the moment we stepped into the tent until the sun came up. While our rainfly kept us dry, it seemed like there may have been some water seeping in, as there was water running down the inside of the fly, and a few spots that were slowly dripping. We’ll have to figure out what’s going on there.

We slept in for a bit, and finally hit the trail around 9:30 am. We had a short, but very annoying rocky and wet (and therefore slippery) 4.5 mile hike down into Wind Gap. That would be it for trail hiking for the day, as we’d be getting picked up here in Wind Gap by Bear Bells aunt to bring us to Allentown. Once we hit the road, we walked the mile into town. We stopped and got an early lunch at the Cafe on Broadway, which is right on the main street in Wind Gap. It’s a tiny little restaurant, but boy is the food good. I easily had the best Reuben I’ve had on the trail yet… and it could be one of the best I’ve ever had. They were also super friendly to us hikers, which is always nice.

After eating, we were still a bit hungry so we wandered another mile south into town and stopped by Rita’s Water Ice. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Rita’s, it’s basically a slushy with soft serve ice cream served on top. I know it sounds a bit odd, but it’s really good. We relaxed in their gazebo and slowly enjoyed our cold treats. It was pretty warm out, so they tasted extra good.

After Ritas, we still had a bit of time to kill, and were still hungry, so we went over to Wendys, grabbed some food, and just chilled for a bit. I called my parents to check in, and uploaded a few posts since I was a bit behind, and they had free WiFi. When it was just about time, we walked up to our designated meeting spot, met our ride and headed off to Allentown.

Seeing family is always nice, and this is the first time we’ve seen any family since we started. We’re spending the next two nights at Bear Bell’s grandmother’s house, meaning tomorrow will be a zero day, and probably a pretty short post.