Day 114: 8/1/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 121)

We haven’t spent the night outside since last Tuesday… almost a week ago. We picked quite the night, as everything is wet from the rain yesterday and today, and there’s more rain in the forecast for tonight. I guess that’s what we get for trying to avoid sleeping out in the bad weather. 

It wasn’t easy leaving the hotel this morning. As soon as we exited the front door, it started drizzling. We got a quick hitch up to the trail, and it started raining even harder as we climbed Bromley. It was only a 3 mile climb, but our feet were soaked by the time we reached the foggy peak. Unfortunately no views for us today. We barely spent a minute on top before continuing on our way. 

In addition to the rain, it was much cooler today, which was kind of nice…but made us feel cold every time we stopped, which we only did twice today. The rain eventually did let up by lunchtime, but the damage had already been done. All the rocks and wooden planks were slippery. We both fell today from slips on wet rocks and planks. Don’t worry, no injuries were sustained. 

Even with the cold and wet, the forest in Vermont is beautiful. The stands of pines that we hike through smell like fresh Christmas trees, and I think the damp air helps make the scent even stronger. We hiked almost 25 miles today, ending at the Greenwall Shelter. By the time we arrived, the shelter was already full, so it wasn’t an option for staying out of the rain that’s in the forecast for tonight.