Day 115: 8/2/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 122)

We got another kind of wet start to our day today. It rained all night, and just kept going into the morning. We stayed in the tent until about 8:30 just waiting it out. A few times we thought it was over and it would just pick up again. The rain finally did stop, but we had to pack up a wet tent… never a good time. It never rained for the rest of the day. In fact the sun was out for a good part of it. We stopped at the Clarendon Shelter for lunch, and we spread out the tent to dry. It dried quickly in the warm sun. 

The hike today was filled with steep rocky climbs, slippery descents, rock hops across streams, and dark pine forests. The day was capped by a long, steep climb up Killington mountain, where we’re tented next to the Cooper Lodge Shelter. In total we did just over 19 miles for the day, and they were some tough miles. 

The highlight of today was the end. We climbed up to Killington peak to make our dinner. We were treated to spectacular views north and west. We could even see the Adirondacks out in the distance. The sunset was just incredible… it was a great way to end the day, and made us glad we’d climbed the steep .2 miles up to the peak. To anyone else hiking the AT or the LT, if you’re up on Killington on a nice day, don’t miss the summit. It’s worth the extra climb. 

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