Day 119: 8/6/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 126)

With a shorter day planned, we slept in a bit before getting breakfast at the hotel. I had a huge breakfast… granola, eggs, sausage, potatoes, waffles (which we added ice cream to), and milk. A true hiker’s breakfast. 

Michelle hiked with us up the first mountain of the day… Moose Mountain. On our way up, we ran into the cowboy from Florida who we hadn’t seen since Georgia. He’s now southbound, having flip- flopped up to Springer. We got a bit of Intel regarding the water situation up north and pushed on. When we reached the summit, Michelle headed back down, and Bear Bell and I continued north. A few hours later we reached Lyme-Dorchester road, where yet again Michelle was doing trail magic. 

We had about an hour drive up to Lincoln, NH where my parents have rented a condo for the week. We stopped by the Woodstock Inn and Brewery when we arrived for beers and a few appetizers, since we’re always hungry. My family used to come to this area for vacation every summer when I was growing up, and I remember coming to the brewery. The place has changed quite a bit from those days, as they’ve added a big bar and expanded the brewery,  though they still have the small space and Foosball table that I remember as a kid. Now I’m old enough to appreciate the beer as well as the food. I think the fellowship IPA was my favorite, and the 4000 footer IPA was a close second. We didn’t realize that we had lucked out and made it for happy hour until we got our tab and saw that the appetizers were half price, and the beers were discounted.

We headed over to the condo after beers, and went and took a quick refreshing dip in the pond. We were treated to a nice home cooked meal, and enjoyed spending some family time. We’ll be using this as our home base for the next week of slack packing and a few zero days.