Day 130: 8/17/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 137)

We hiked a quick, but very cold and wet, 5 miles to Pinkham Notch to get picked up by Bear Bell’s mom. We arrived a bit before our scheduled pick up time, so we changed into dry clothes, found some pop tarts in the hiker box, and got a few drinks from the vending machine. We hung out around the visitors center, and we read about all the people who had died in the Presidential Range. We were certainly lucky to have had nice weather for our day up Mount Washington. 

After Bear Bell’s mom got us we headed home to Vermont. We stopped in Montpellier on the way home for lunch at Three Penny Taproom. I’d recommend the fried chicken sandwich…it was excellent. They also have a good beer selection, of which we tried a few. 

We’ll be off trail for the next 5 days, but we’ll be back next Tuesday (the 23rd). I’ll use the week to get caught up with posts, and most importantly, to relax before the final leg of our journey.