Day 138: 8/25/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 145)

We had an awesome breakfast at the hostel this morning. Coffee, cinnamon apple cream cheese French toast, hash browns, and sausage. A nice big breakfast is always a great way to begin a day of hiking. 

It was a day of ups and downs, and really rough terrain. We don’t hit the hardest mile of the trail until tomorrow, but today certainly felt like a warmup. As we approached the Maine/ New Hampshire boarder, it seemed as if New Hampshire didn’t want to let us leave. It was probably some of the hardest trail we’ve had up to this point. Once we crossed into Maine things really didn’t get any easier. 

For the most part it was a nice day, a bit warm. We were both drenched in sweat all day thanks to the constant steep climbs. Near the end of the day we got a few sprinkles on the way up Mount Success, but it never developed to any real rain… which was a very good thing. We ended our day doing 16.7 miles to the Carlo Col Shelter. 

I’m going to stop writing now, and I know it’s a short post. I’m just very tired from today. It was not only physically draining but very mentally draining as well. It takes a lot of focus to hike over really difficult terrain, making sure each step is a good one that won’t cause you to slip or fall. Tomorrow will be a shorter mile day, but it will also probably be one of the hardest days we’ve had as we’re going through Mahoosuc Notch then climbing Mahoosuc Arm.