Day 144: 8/31/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 151)

Today started out not so great, but it ended up being good overall. It rained last night so we had to pack up a wet tent, which everyone knows by now is no fun. The whole morning was just kind of wet and overcast. We hiked up hills in a mist. At one point as we were crossing a stream, the log that was being used as a bridge rolled under my feet. To keep my whole body from falling I ended up letting both feet slip into the cold water… soaking my boots and socks. This was just before another steep climb. I was not very happy. 

We stopped for lunch at the South Branch crossing of the Carrabassset river. The sun started to come out, and with it my mood began to improve. We had decided that we were going to make it into Stratton today, and we only had the Crocker mountains in our way. We powered up the steep climb, and were rewarded with a few views on the way. Just before we reached the road we hit a big milestone… 2000 miles on the Appalachian Trail… only 189 to go. That felt good. 

We got a very quick hitch into Stratton, and we got dropped off just in front of the White Wolf Inn. We asked around to three places for a room, but no one had any availability. Luckily a place called the Tranquility Lodge, just over a half mile north, did have a room. We decided to eat dinner, then find our way up there. 

We ate at the White Wolf Inn and each had the Wolf Burger… and 8oz beef patty topped with sausage, bacon, cheese, mushrooms, onion, lettuce, and tomatoes, and served with fries. We both easily finished the burgers and had room for dessert. I had the khalua icebox cake and Bear Bell had the apple crisp a la mode.

After dinner we ended up walking the .8 mile out to the Tranquility Lodge. It wasn’t a bad walk, and honestly it was worth it. We had a nice clean room and our own bathroom. We both showered and then got into bed. It was a big 21 mile day, but we got to celebrate our 2000 miles with burgers, beers, and dessert… and a shower and a bed.