Day 145: 9/1/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 152)

We’ve gotten pretty good at avoiding the weather. It was nice to be in a cozy room last night when some pretty intense thunder storms came through. We enjoyed our short stay at the Tranquility Lodge, we even slept in a bit this morning. The proprietor had coffee ready for us when we woke up, and we chatted with her for a while before walking back into Stratton. 

We did a resupply, possibly our last full one, at one of the shops in town. We got enough to get us to Monson, where we’ll have a resupply package waiting for us. We walked a bit further into town and had a nice breakfast at the Loony Moose. By nice breakfast I mean a huge breakfast. The pancakes that came with our combos were massive… just look at the pictures. I was extremely full after that meal (to be honest neither of us actually finished all the pancakes… what bad hikers we are). We stood on the side of the road and got a hitch back to the trail in the back of a pickup truck. 

Since we got a late start we only covered about 10 miles today, but they were really beautiful. We had a tough climb up into the Bigelow range, but once up there we were treated to Horn Pond, and many of the best views we’ve had on the whole trail. From the top of the ridge we even got our first glimpse of Kathadin way off in the distance. Today was the last day that we’ll be at 4000 feet until we climb Kathadin. We are camping at the Safford Notch Campsite tonight, and it seems like we’re alone. We caught up with a bunch of our hiker friends last night, so we’re guessing they’re only a shelter away. Hopefully we’ll see them all again in a day or so when we hit Caratunk for the weekend.