Day 149: 9/5/16 (Virtual AT 2020 Day 156)

It was a beautiful Labor Day for a hike, the sun shining all day. With only 18 miles to hike to Monson, we slept in a bit this morning, and really took our time before getting moving. We didn’t plan on hiking all the way to Monson today, we wanted to pull up about a mile or two short, but the trail was very easy today. There were no major climbs or descents, there were a few nice sections without a lot of rocks and roots, and we were able to make good time. What really clinched it for us was the fact that none of the streams were running for the last 4 miles to the trailhead, so we really couldn’t spend the night… we needed water. 

We got a ride into town from a section hiker who had just finished a three day hike in the 100 miles wilderness. He dropped us off at Shaws hiker hostel in Monson where we’re camping out on the lawn. 

I think it was a good choice to come into town tonight as we were reunited with many hikers that we’ve met along the trail. It’s amazing that we were able to get a ride from a stranger into a town we’ve never been to and get dropped off at a house where we’re immediately accepted by people that we’ve crossed paths with intermittently for the last 5 months. I can’t think of any other time in my life when a situation like this would be considered normal, but today it was just that… another evening on the trail. 

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